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The top Replica Gucci Handbags are certified by handbag proficient and approved to keep your handbag perfectly maintained for many years. Most important of all, the top Replica Gucci Handbags should have a “turn and rest” program so that your handbags won’t be overstressed, and they should have an auto direction reversal and extended spin cycles with advanced handbag winding capability.
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Today I was checking out Michelle's A Small Victory. There are threads on self-publishing that mutated into a dispute about trolls, who was a troll, and whether linking to Little Green Footballs was as "un-nuanced" as linking to "Democratic Underground."
At one point a troll popped up and I had to blogroll him! The Troll Patrol. It's protected troll habitat, and of course I had to say that, daring them to do their worst. and taunting them with my Trolls Unlimited Cafepress Section
And then I commented a couple of threads at Michelle's nike huarache fekete , making the point that she might wish to use cafepress to publish a book she's working on - and should probably have tee-shirts with the Best Bon Mots of the Day. To show that was the way to go there, I posted this:
Ok... now, is this trollery, shrewed marketing, editorial comment or what?
Well nike huarache ultra eladó , it's all of the above - and a new clue about the new networked economy.
I've made the point before that money is in a way simply Representative of ideas in motion - just as are goods and services.
and are two examples of new, consumer-creator driven media - the antithesis of top-down marketing models. They are viral, marketed between friends and among interest groups and can be intensely topical. There's no investment barrier. I create artwork or write words, and I "sell" those images and words. The company merely puts the images on the chosen media, and they make their money on that.
They are both making MORE money by realizing that they do not have to shape the tastes and opinions of their consumers. And as I stated in Jump on the Cluetrain - that means people are the new brands.
Michelle is a brand. I am a brand. Tacitus and Dkos are brands.
But the traditional brands - for peas and pajamas and politics - those are in deep nike huarache ultra rendeles , deep trouble.
The vast uncommitted center in the upcoming election will not be voting for a republican or a democrat. They will be voting for either the George Bush brand or the John Kerry brand - neither of which bears a great resemblance to the traditional, bland and homogeneous image of their respective parties.